rand - generate random numbers or pull a random line from a file
rand rand upper_bound rand -f file rand -f file -o outputFile
Rand generates a random number or pulls a random line from a file. rand Generates a integer from 0 to 100 rand upper_bound Generates a random integer from 0 to upper bound. rand -f file Pulls a random line from the file. rand -f file -o outputFile Pulls a random line from the file and writes the remain- der of the lines to output- File (in a shuffled order)
Tony Aiuto tony.aiuto@gmail.com
You can find the source at https://tony.aiu.to/sa
Get the source: rand-1.0.0.tar.Z or rand-1.0.0.zip
The definitive source is located at https://tony.aiu.to/sa It may be mirrored at https://liii.com/~aiuto. If you use this, please send a note to source@aiu.to and we'll put you on our (low volume) email list for notifications of package updates.