When I install a new linux distro, I find that sometimes the vendors just get things wrong. No, it's not really a matter of opinion. They did it wrong.
Most modern keyboards have a key labeled Backspace (usually with an
arrow facing left) in the upper right corner. Backspace is supposed to
delete backwards. Even if that key is labeled delete, it
should still act as a Backspace because the vast majority
have learned to touch type as if the key up in the corner did
a backwards delete.
If you are using an Xterm and your Backspace does not work
right, the fix is easy. Edit /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm, or your
own .Xdefaults (make sure xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults
happens somewhere in the session startup sequence) and set this.
*VT100*backarrowKey: true
A bit of history...
For those of us old enough to remember teletype machines, the key
in the upper right corner used to be labeled DEL or Rubout.
This made sense in the days of paper tape. You pressed the backspace
button on the tape feed, then pressed DEL to effectively
erase the character. That's why ASCII DEL is 12710,
the only control character above 31. It punches through all the
holes across a row of tape, to obliterate the previous character.
The keyboard position may have been labeled DEL, but it
effectively meant backwards delete.
Then some fool decided to get all historically purist about it and make the key in that position actually mean DEL, in spite of the fact that very few keyboards actually have a "delete" there. Since DEL is not really Backspace, they had to give it correspondingly incorrect behavior. Fortunately, this is only broken in Xterm, and not X in general. Most keyboard maps actually do the right thing and return a Backspace keysym for the key in the upper right of your keyboard.
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"
Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:nocaps"
the "ctrl:nocaps" bit is the magic that makes this happen.
You could also us xmodmap
clear lock
clear control
add control = Caps_Lock Control_R Control_L
keycode 9 = grave asciitilde
keycode 49 = Escape asciitilde
the last two lines put escape back on the keyboard,
where it belongs. I should figure out how to do that
with the XkbOptions things, but I've got other work
to do.
sudo rm /etc/profile.d/colorls.*
Oh, did I change that for everyone on a shared machine? Sorry.
syntax off
set syntax=disable
set undolevels=0
set wrap
set ts=8
set noautoindent
set indentkeys=''
set indentexpr=
set noshowmatch
set filetype=""
set matchpairs="